Static V

749,00 kr
Brand: Klymit
Komfortabel, letvægt og slidstærk.
  • Vægt: 531 gr.
  • Pustes op med 10 - 15 pust
  • Størrelse oppustet: 183 cm x 58 cm x 6 cm.
  • Størrelses pakket sammen: 8 cm x 20 cm.
  • Produceret i 75D polyester , som gør den ekstra slidstærk
  • Body Mapping & V-shape design forhindre varmtab 
  • Inkl. lappe-kit
  • Side Rails / "Side-skinner" i konstruktionen hjælper dig med at blive på midten af liggeunderlaget når du sover
  • R-Value: 1,3

  • Body Mapping Technology: Our patented V-shaped design delivers support and comfort no matter how you sleep – on your side, stomach or back.
  • Side Rails: Integrated into the patterning and construction, they provide a secure, comfortable sleep by centering you on the pad and inhibiting air movement while tossing and turning.
  • Deep Weld Patterning: Unlike traditional pads that flatten the bag’s fill, Deep Welds create expansion zones that allow your bag to fully loft beneath you for improved thermal comfort.
  • Anti Microbial Laminate: Permeates the inside laminate to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, including fungus and bacteria, that can cause odors and material damage.
  • Inclusive Repair Kit
  • Ventil: Flip Ventil - flat built-in easy & robust turning valve