- Vægt: 1.021 gr.
- Pustes op med 12 - 20 pust
- Størrelse oppustet: 119 x 198 x 6 cm.
- Størrelses pakket sammen: 14 x 20 cm.
- Produceret i 20D polyester, som gør den fleksibel og ultralet
- Body Mapping & V-shape design forhindre varmtab
- Inkl. lappe-kit
- Side Rail Wings / "Side-skinner" i konstruktionen hjælper dig med at blive på midten af liggeunderlaget når du sover
- R-Value: 1,6
Klymalite™ Synthetic insulation: Lightweight, compressible and durable, advanced synthetic insulation in the chambers slows the transfer of air between the top and bottom halves of the pad for improved thermal performance.
Compatibility: Fits all standard hammocks, single or double wide.
Coated on-slip zones: On the top and bottom to keep your pad and sleeping bag in place all night.
Ergonomic: Pad wraps the body to create a barrier preventing cold from creeping in from the bottom and sides.
V-Chamber Design: Limits air movement keeping you nice warm.
Lightweight: Packs small and weights only 35 oz, light enough to backpack with.
Anti Microbial Laminate: Permeates the inside laminate to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, including fungus and bacteria, that can cause odors and material damage.
Patch included for emergency repairs
Ventil: Flat Ventil